Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Awesome & Awkward Wednesday


-Realizing your turning into your mother.
-Love that my husband knows who Michael Kors is, but only because I make him watch Project Runway with me…so he says.
-Singing along to a song on the radio at a stoplight and looking at the car next to you and realizing their singing to the same song as you.
-A date night out that involved stir fry, home depot and shoe shopping. Best. Date. Ever.
-Finding out that they make special zombie bullets for when the zombie apocalypse happens. (In case you’re wondering you can buy them at Bass Pro) I told Cody we needed to buy a few cases to be prepared.


-Thinking that someone is talking to you and answering their question when in reality they are really talking to the person behind you. Awful.
-Riding my Mom’s new Schwinn bicycle while wearing my Dad’s new motorcycle helmet.
-Telling your husband not to get water at the restaurant you’re at because it tastes like penny’s (you know all coppery) and having the waitress over hear me before taking our drink order and say, “Can I get you something to drink… besides water?”  With an attitude like I just insulted her home made family recipe of water.
-Having our front yard look like a martian threw up green chunky slime all over it; when in reality it is just that lawn patch stuff that’s supposed to fill in bare spots…fingers crossed, hope it works!
-Having a little boy ask me in the checkout line if I can take him to go to the bathroom…and I respond with “umm let’s find your Mom…” And of course we don’t find his mom, so I take him to customer service and tell them he can’t find his mom… forward 7 minutes when I am all checked out with my bags and this little boy finds me again this time with his mom in tow and lets her know that I’m the lady that made him pee his pants… 

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